2000-01 Fleer Showcase Basketball Factory Sealed Hobby Box
It contains 24 packs with 5 cards in each.
120 card Base Set that includes 30 Showcase Rookies(10 #d
to 2000,10 #d to 1500,10 #d to 500).
Each box contains either ONE Autographics card or ONE Feel the Game Memorabilia card.
Possibe Inserts:
Showstoppers 1:6
To Air is Human 1:12
HIStory 1:24
Autographics or Feel the Game 1:24
ELEMENTary 1:48
Avant Card each #'d to 201
In The Paint 1:110
Vince Carter Rookie Remnants
Floor/Rookie Jersey combo
Autographed Floor/Rookie Jersey Combo
Season Pass redemption
Stated odds reflect average of entire production run.This ratio is not guaranteed to exist within an individual box.