2001-02 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects Basketball Factory Sealed Hobby Box
24 packs with 5 cards in each.131 card Base Set that
includes 35 Rookies(each #d to 1000)and 6 Rookie Jersey
cards(each #d to 350).Each box contains at least ONE Game
Worn Jersey card.Random Inserts:12 ProMotion(1:18),10
ProActive(1:23),10 Star Futures(1:23),10 Star
Command(1:23), Game Worn Jersey 1:24(Gold version each card
#d to 75,Autographed version 1:192 and Autographed Gold
version each #d to 50),All-Star Team-ups Combo Jersey cards
1:192(Gold version #d to 25)and Alley-Oop Team-ups Jersey
cards(#d to 100).
Stated odds reflect average of entire production run.This ratio is not guaranteed to exist within an individual box.