BrothersJoker Brothersfree Mini Vinyl Figure Factory Sealed Box.
Since 9/11, world feeling has gone from bad to worse, filled with melancholy and woe. The seven Brothersjokers, led by BJ Bearo, have joined forces to bring happiness in the world. Each Brotherjoker has a specific guiding principle. Through their appearance and behavior, they communicate their message to sad people everywhere. For example, BJ Captain, the soldier clown with the bomb through his chest, has the goal of promoting harmony and peace; The medical-themed BJ Fever encourages health and freedom from sickness.
There are 7 in total, each with a special talent. You might get one of the following characters:
BJ Bearo, or BJ Fire, or BJ Bowl, or BJ Captain, or BJ Hammer, or BJ Fever, or BJ Anger.
Please note since the box is sealed, there is no knowledge of the character inside the box.