Kowloon Union Soul Army Hairy Rouge 1/6 Scale Figure
Product Description
The KUSA figures, like the ZMDC figures, are MASSIVE! Each package is approximately 11" wide, 8" deep, and 14" high. Again, like the ZMDC figure, the KUSA figure and his armor are packaged separately inside the main box. The front of the box features a large 'color outline' of the KUSA figure in full armor. A smaller, color picture of the figure and the figure's name appear in the lower right corner of the box's front. The Chinese kanji lettering for "ZMDC" run horizontally from bottom to top on the left side of the package front along with the figure series' name: "ZM Chronicle: KUSA." The outside of the package also features information about the figures (from the ZM Chronicle comic book) and information about the ZM Chronicle story in general.
Hairy Rouge, who prefers bladed weapons to guns, includes two huge axes, which are 10" long! Each axe can be taken apart in the middle and can be attached to the figure's engine backpack. The Hairy Rouge figure also includes an armored gauntlet, which fits onto his left arm and holds his massive sword. The sword attaches to the gauntlet and hangs with the hilt pointing down. The sword is 5" long and 1" wide, making it extremely heavy! Hairy Rouge's hair, beard, and eyes are painted perfectly and feature no slop whatsoever.
Each KUSA warrior has an original head sculpt. Hairy Rouge features a 'samurai' type look: red hair in a top-knot, a red beard, and a calm and ready gaze upon his face. Master Nova's face is more 'robotic' in nature; a sealed left eye and a right eye held wide-open by a mechanical head gear of some type. Both figures' heads are amazingly detailed and fit the characters' personalities and names well.